In 2190, Gordon Kemp is a world-weary detective stuck working cold cases in London. His latest is the murder of an eminent research scientist from 80 years ago, in which the top suspect fled on a spaceship that everyone believes exploded. Instead, that spaceship has just landed safely on Carrasco, the first extrasolar planet to be explored by mankind, and the suspect Rima Cagnac is alive and well. Kemp’s orders are straightforward, travel through a wormhole that connects their two worlds and arrest her, but everything about this clandestine case portends an interstellar storm with far-reaching consequences. The methodical pacing slowly amps up the suspense, and the wonder of discovery is paired with the horrors of greed, corruption, war crimes, invasion, and climate change. Kemp teams up with a relatable cast of characters, who struggle with feelings of being obsolete and trapped as they’re immersed in a mess of major cover-ups.
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