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The Unbiased Self: The Psychology of Overcoming Cognitive Bias

A well-written and generally useful title for understanding and overcoming cognitive biases, for readers of Christian faith or who want to know more about Christian beliefs.

Dedicated to the Soul: The Writings and Drawings of Emma Jung

A thoughtful look at Emma Jung in her own right that will be a useful volume for readers wanting to know more about her life and fascinating work. This collection lets her speak for herself.

Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness

Zaki does well in not only pointing out problems but also showing how to build solutions for the current culture of cynicism. Many people have questions as they search for ways to make their lives and the world better. This book is one of the best written responses to that.

You Will Get Through This: A Mental Health First-Aid Kit

Designed for general readers, this ready reference about mental health will benefit readers who are considering therapy or preparing for their first appointment. Similar titles focus on one or two specific issues, but this book provides a concise but broad overview and guidance for getting help for more than 20 mental health conditions.

Mind the Science: Saving Your Mental Health from the Wellness Industry

Rooted in science but written in accessible language, this highly informative book is an enlightening resource about mental-health misinformation and pseudoscience.

2024 Stars So Far | Social Sciences

I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine

This fascinating and valuable title gives readers insight into the many neurological benefits of music. Most readers can easily identify what kind of music calms them, provokes creative sparks, or helps get them through strenuous exercises but until they read this, they may not know why music has that power or that it can be great medicine too.

The Illusion of Control: A Practical Guide To Avoid Futile Struggles

Recommended for readers interested in gaining tools to improve their behavior and the tendency to want control of everything and everyone.

Trippy: The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics

This title about utilizing medicinal psychedelics in the treatment plans of some conditions could easily have future public policy implications worldwide. The subject matter will be of interest to many readers.
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